Introduction Workshop / Encounter with the path of the power of the female Shiva


Divine law is the bubbling stream of daily renewal.

We lift ourselves from the rigidity of the learned mind to the ease of daily newness. After a few years on this Earth, everyone knows the feeling of being tired of our daily routine. We long for new adventures and sparkling moments in our lives. Why, then, do we find it so hard to embrace the daily renewal that divine law offers?
The reason lies in understanding what this law truly means at its core. I believe a significant part of it stems from our religious upbringing, which has subtly suggested in various ways that God judges. We have often interpreted this as punishment. There are certainly other reasons why we have such great respect or even fear of it.

No wonder we struggle to fully embrace this divine law. In truth, it is the source that makes us bubble over with joy every day. It inspires us, allows us to flow with ease, and do the things we deeply want to share with the world. It provides us with daily joy and ease in our actions, which we so dearly wish for.
It makes our actions effortless and allows our true expression to simply be. In “The Path to the Power of the Feminine Shiva,” we immerse ourselves in HER in her originality.
We reconnect with our source, which effortlessly allows us to be the women we are. I invite you to a free workshop that will bring you closer to this path.



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